Holographic Phone

Holographic Phone: Compare Holo 2.0 with iPhone black Hole

iPhone Black Hole
iPhone Holographic.jpg

The pace with which technology is advancing in the modern era, we can not even imagine the shape and functioning of the devices in the coming days. We do not have any option other than or vision of the designers, giving the futuristic vision of technology and gadgets. Apple Black Hole by French designer Zaïgouche Josselin is a mobile concept Designed for the year 2020, the phone also features a holographic charging, Prisms and the Black Hole. As soon as you open your hand, coat the ball to control central functions in the air. And when connected to the charging base, the Black Hole becomes a desktop device, which allows infinite possibilities for geeks.

Holo 2.0

Trying to reinvent the mobile world, the French designer Elodie Delassus has created a concept called HOLO 2.0, which provides Internet access and is made of flexible heat resistant material and allergies.


The HOLO 2.0 includes a graphical interface based on the holograms, which displays images from your bracelet in the air. It also uses sound vibrations for instant alerts... His material is designed to change shape, according to the user's wishes. Without doubt, this is a great concept, will the technology of 2020? Time will tell.

Videos of    Holographic Display Effect


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