Hybrid Bus

Is GE is partnering with the U.S. Federal Transit Administration and the Northeast Advanced Vehicle Consortium, funded by the National Fuel Cell Bus Program on the implementation of the hybrid electric bus project which brings together two different concepts battery technology applied to lithium battery technology high power and battery charge with sodium high energy density.

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In the energy saving characteristics in both types of battery, Lithium Battery can provide bursts of power but do not have a lot of different capacities with Sodium Battery which can store more energy but can not provide bursts of electricity.

By bringing together two different technologies is a very good idea where these two skills together to achieve the purpose of getting energy to solve the power problem with the issue of driving-range to high-powered electric vehicles.

Although long before there has been some testing for hydrogen-based vehicle technology application of this technology will continue to be developed for the life of a better future
* Iyudz


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