Making Read More on Blogspot

Read more is a short link to the sites normally used to show the rest of the half-written posts and subsequent posts will be read if read more pressing direction, usually in the form of text or images bearing the read more
this post to a newbie blogger... like me .. hehhe ...

Read more basic than this in the past was still using the manual way .. in HTML mode using HTML coding in the paste on the design layout XML blog themes ... using a script the old way / oldskool blog to read more on using HTML ... ?, Hmmm .. hehe ..

At his age the development of this blogspot provides features to simplify the bloggers, such as the implementation of this step .. :

Read more on how to use blogspot
Log in by opening> enter username (email) and password> settings> basic straight to the bottom in a global setting like the example image below then select an entry editor and check the updated editor> save settings. ,

After the setting is set when creating the post, in a new editor window there is a small icon on the top right like a picture torn, his name insert jump break. In a position paper which will be cut just insert the jump break it.

Edit HTML.Jpg
NB: When viewed in html mode, it read more like this in the use of html coding:

Read more.jpg


Hyper Text Markup Language, or commonly referred to as kepandekannya just the HTML. Is the standard language used by the http (hyper text transfer protocol) to display on the sites. HTML coding is composed of tagging / delivery code lumrahnya called tags. In general, the marking tag having an opening like and then there is always a closing tag for such megakhiri , but there are some tags that do not have a closing tag like  Hyper Text Markup Language, or commonly referred to as kepandekannya just the HTML. Is the standard language used by the http (hyper text transfer protocol) to display on the sites. HTML coding is composed of tagging / delivery code called tags. In general, the marking tag having an opening like and then there is always a closing tag for such end , but there are some tags that do not have a closing tag like And So on.

For the Creation and editing do not need to live on sites/blogs.

In this execution after the editing save with [name of the field.html] for instance (for example: Exercise makes web. html). the use of file type. html for idintefication for readability by the browser

* Set the paragraph in HTML
* Set the image in an HTML

* Create a table in HTML
* Create a table row in HTML
* Create a table column in HTML
* Set the distance table in HTML
* Set the distance written in HTML tables dlam
* Creating a Link in HTML
* Creating links in HTML e-mail
* Make the numbers and bullets in HTML


* Basic HTML
* Value * Description
Writing arrangements. Has the attributes:
color = To give color to the text.
size = To adjust the text size. (Value between 1 ... 7)
face = To set the font.
To make bold.
To create italics.
To make the bottom line.
To make a scratch on the letter.
To create monospaced text.
To enlarge the text of normal size
To minimize text of normal size..
To create a subscript.
To create a superscript.

To move the line. Without a closing tag.

To create a horizontal line. Without a closing tag.
align = To set the place. (Should not be used)
    center = The middle
    left = on the left
    right = on the right.
size = To adjust the size of the line. (Should not be used)
width =To set the line width. (Should not be used)

To make a heading between the h1 to h6.

To create a paragraph
align = To Set a paragraph
    center = average center to center.
    left = To left flat
    right = To flush right
    justify = right-left to average
Text will appear exactly as typed in the editor.
* Special Characters
Named Entity Character

Creating a space
" "
& &
< <
> >

* Setting Posts ...

* code   red” size=”2″ face=”Tahoma”>text color red
#ff0000” size=”2″ face=”Tahoma”>text color red

Color Color Code
black #000000
gray #808080
silver #c0c0c0
white #ffffff
darkblue #00008b
blue #0000ff
cornflowerblue #6495ed
deepskyblue #00bfff
skyblue #87ceeb
lightblue #add8e6
turquoise #40e0d0
aquamarine #7fffd4
aqua #00ffff
gold #ffd700
yellow #ffff00
wheat #f5deb3
bisque #ffe4c4
purple #800080
darkviolet #9400d3
blueviolet #8a2be2
mediumpurple #9370db
Color Color Code
red #ff0000
deeppink #ff1493
hotpink #ff69b4
fuchsia #ff00ff
violet #ee82ee
plum #dda0dd
pink #ffc0cb
thistle #d8bfd8
brown #a52a2a
chocolate #d2691e
darkorange #ff8c00
goldenrod #daa520
orange #ffa500
burlywood #deb887
green #008000
limegreen #32cd32
lime #00ff00
chartreuse #7fff00
palegreen #98fb98
yellowgreen #9acd32
greenyellow #adff2f

* Element Presentation


To display text in bold type..

To display text in italic

To display the text underscores

To show the effect of crossed writing

To show the effect monospaced text

To show the effect of writing

To show the effect of the small print     

To show the effect of writing Subscript

Making Read More on Blog Templates

A long article on the blog will consume a lot of places on the main page, so others who wrote the previous article will likely be overlooked by visitors to read. therefore by making the read more .. or read more .. HTML coding used on the blog templates to overcome these problems a long article ..

Read more ...
on a blog that will be edited,
click the Layout link then go to Edit HTML. important to remember that in order to edit the blog, first check / tick / enable the Expand Widget Templates. this is done so that the overall template can be edited.
Before the tag or just after the code}]]> Enter the following code:

that post is cut off, in search template code:
then add the following code right below it:


in the use of directives read more .., every time you write an article post, click on the article in want to use Read More .. , Type and then continue writing the rest of the article to completion and finish with a typed

NB: * "The use of this method must be in Edit HTML mode instead of Compose"

That reads Read More .. on the command coding Read More .. , can be replaced with other writings such as Read More .. or Continue Reading ..

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Arang Tampurung Lyrics / Lirik lagu arang tampurung

Sungguh mati kita nya sangka,..
Kalo jadi bagini,..
Cinta yang lama torang piara,..
Akhirnya ancor parcuma,..
Mungkin lantaran kita pe muka,..
Nyanda talalu gagah,..
Ngana pe sayang dulu ka kita,..
Skarang ka orang lain,..

Sampai hati ngana do sayang,..
Beking kita bagini,..
Pe pidis skali kita da rasa,..
Cinta yang ngana da kaseh,..
Jangan dong sayang ngana seng sama,..
Kita deng orang laeng,..
Yang dulu parnah tlah beking ancur,..
Ngana pe mimpi-mimpi,..

Tiap badan kita yang ngana da pilih sayang,..
Cuma lantaran ngana pe sakit hati ka orang laeng,..
Ancur badan kita yang ngana beking bagini,..
So apa do kita pe salah,..
Sampe ngana bapindah hati,..

Kotor-kotor abu do lika,..
Lebeh kotor ngana pe cinta,..
Hitam-hitam arang tampurung,..
Lebeh hitam ngana pe hati,..

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*[ Link sahabat iyudz ].